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Software for Creative Design

Photo Booth

Photo Editor

Photo editing software has become the norm in the design industry. EVERY good designer or photographer will USE a photo editing software and make it look NATURAL.


Here are 3 STRONG photo editing software:


- Photoshop

- Lightroom

- Color Efex pro


Vector graphic editor

Why vector format? Vector graphic ALLOW you to maintain the RESOLUTION no matter the dimension. Vector graphic can also be used to standardize TEMPLATE for prints or laser cutting.


Here are RELIABLE vector graphic editor:


- Illustrator

- CorelDRAW

- AutoCAD

- Inkscape

Logo Designer at Work
Image by Halacious

Page Design Layout software

If your want to create a PROFESSIONAL leaflet, magazines, book or posters, you will NEED a page design layout software.

Those software allows you to frame your design within a layout.


Here are FAST page design layout software for you:


- InDesign

- QuarkXPress

- Spark

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