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DECIPHERING the BLP application

Before the interview


After clicking “individual”:
the selection of title is important
Scenario 1: (Mr, Ms, Mrs, Heirs —> straight forward application, matrimonial regime: separation of good)

Scenario 2: (Mr & Mrs, Heirs —> matrimonial regime: community of good & property)

Note: Pre-up contract is a case to case basis)

Are you the owner?
Yes - (no consent letter required)
No - (consent letter required)

Extent = Site area

Transcription Volume/Book /Transcription Volume/Book Number = T/V xxxx No. xx
(usually situated in the LAST pages of the title deed)


Is the site located within a morcellement?  
= Do you have CEB & CWA clearance?

For most cases, select: NO
(Only then your plan will go to CEB & CWA to get clearance)
Select: Yes (IF your land is state owned)

Note: They should have written: is the site located in a PUBLIC morcellement (under the ministry of housing which would already have clearance from CEB & CWA)

Is the site located in a region which has public sewer network?
= Do you have WMA clearance?

ALWAYS select: YES
(Only then your plan will go to WMA to get clearance)

Note: Even if your site is NOT connected to public sewer network, the WMA will received your drawings and if your consultant have done due diligence, the drawings will be check for approval.

NEVER select: NO (your drawings NEVER go to WMA)

Note: All 3 clearances are ESSENTIAL prior approval of permit.

Agricultural Fields
Architects Planning a House

-Should usually match the title by the consultants

New Construction

Template would be: “proposed/construction” of a “number of storey” house/residential building” ,“address”, “city/town/village”.
Example: Proposed Ground + 1 residential building, plot 150, Moka.


Template would be: “Addition/extension” of “proposed development”  on existing house/residential building” ,“address”, “city/town/village”.
Example: Addition of one storey on an existing residential building, plot 150, Moka.

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