BUILD your dream house in PHASES if you do not NEED the space immediately
Sometime it will be WISER not to build your dream house in one PHASE. If the budget does not ALLOW you, you can always PLAN to construct it in DIFFERENT phases. This will allow you to SAVE and eventually complete your dream house in the FUTURE.
ALWAYS plan before building in PHASE
When building in phase, it is HIGHLY recommended to PLAN ahead before starting the FIRST construction. The reasons are:
1) The architect can maintain the proportion and aesthetic of your house facade.
2) The engineer can structurally anticipate the extension.
EXTEND Vertically or Horizontally.
The decision to EXTEND your house vertically or horizontally depends on your needs.
VERTICAL extension factors to consider:
1) a STAIR (vertical access)
2) cast more SHADOWS on your garden
3) will NEED to harmonize with the overall building facade.
HORIZONTAL extension factors to consider:
1) an INCREASE in your plot coverage. (max plot coverage in Mauritius is 40% for most regions)
2) LESS Garden
2) REconsider your daily CIRCULATION
REDEFINE space according to the different stage of life.
People TEND to maintain the same room FUNCTION at different stage in life. This perception is BLURRED by the fact that this room MIGHT be used ONE day.
For example, IF you haven't been using your child room who is living abroad, you can TRANSFORM the room into an office room.